
About Lindsie Tomlinson

Lindsie Tomlinson
With my son in Costa Rica

I am the mother of two boys who loves to travel.

Since I was a teenager, one of my goals was to travel around the world one day.

After I met and married my husband in my early thirties, I knew that seeing the world was still a priority for me. We were able to realize my dream of taking a year off to travel and we saw sixteen different countries on three continents over the course of one year.

We traveled through Southeast Asia, Australia and Western Europe. My favorite places were Cambodia, Thailand, France and Spain but I loved all the places we discovered and we met so many wonderful people on our journey.

We tried different foods (although I refused to eat the fried tarantulas they offered me in Cambodia, even if they did drop the price to 25 cents each), visited the ancient temples outside of Siem Riep, climbed the tallest volcano in Bali, snorkeled at the Great Barrier Reef, surfed in Sydney, celebrated Christmas in a small fishing village in Portugal and spent Valentines Day at the Moulin Rouge in Paris. We visited museums to gaze at the beautiful paintings, rode elephants in Thailand, enjoyed the majestic Alhambra, hiked in the Alps of Austria and ziptrekked through the jungle. We had adventures.

Near the end of our trip, we decided that it was time to get pregnant (I was 34 and suddenly my clock started ticking). We conceived our first son in Spain, discovered we were pregnant in Portugal and traveled for another 3 months.

We returned home to Vancouver and had our baby, embarking on a totally different kind of adventure. We had been completely bitten by the travel bug and didn’t want to let having a baby stop us from seeing the world. We planned a “Babymoon”, returning to Costa Rica where we had Honeymooned, when Dante was five months old. We spent five weeks there, long enough to really experience life with baby in another country and solidify our resolve to continue to travel with baby.

In the last few years, I have taken 18 flights with my baby’s/toddler, numerous road trips and lots of ferries. I love speaking to groups of new moms and dads and answering all of the questions they have about traveling with their wee ones.

I have published a travel story in the compilation, The Beaver Ate My Canoe, written posts on various travel blogs and travel related articles that have been published.

When I’m not traveling (although in the last ten weeks I’ve gone on 3 separate trips with the kids, one with my hubby and two without), I enjoy spending time outdoors, whether walking, running or hiking, date nights (although much too rare!) with my hubby, dinner with my girlfriends, playing with my kids and reading a good book.

I live in Vancouver, BC (home to the 2010 Winter Olympics). When the sun is shining, this city by the Pacific Ocean, surrounded by snow capped mountains is simply breathtaking. I’m also a Realtor and I specialize in helping families find the right home and neighbourhood once they have outgrown their current one, usually because of the arrival of a wee one.

During the summer months, I love exploring British Columbia (the tag line on our licence plates is “Beautiful British Columbia”). When it rains (and it rains a lot), that’s what inspires me to plan our next travel adventure abroad.

About Dana Obleman

Dana OblemanI am the creator of the Sleep Sense Program, a no nonsense guide to helping parents solve their children’s sleep issues.

I’m also the author of:

Over the past 8 years I’ve helped more than 30,000 people solve their biggest parenting challenges.

Over the years, I’ve been featured in newspaper articles, radio, and television. I’ve been invited to speak at parenting conferences and trade shows and was asked to give a lecture at one of the country’s largest medical schools. I was even approached to host a reality TV show!

These have all been wonderful opportunities… but my REAL passion is helping parents directly by giving them the practical, easy-to-follow, real-world solutions that help them solve their biggest parenting challenges so they and their children can live healthier, happier lives, whether at home or abroad.

When I’m not working, you can usually find me hanging out with friends and family, cooking (or enjoying) a good meal, driving one of my kids to soccer, karate, or ballet, going for a run, planning a cool trip somewhere hot, or just plain old relaxing!

I live in Florida with my husband and three children.